Hello, iam Edward Mcmillan, Hope you’re doing well!

What Is Cognatic Primogeniture? [Solved]

Historically, male-preference primogeniture was more common. In some regimes, all sons could inherit a throne before any daughter, called Cognatic primogeniture. Generally, a daughter could inherit if she had no living brothers through semi-Salic law.

The Ultimate CK3 Guide To Succession

Today I want to help you understand just what succession in CK3 means and how you navigate the most egregious form of it …

Crusader Kings 2 - How To Handle Gavelkind Succession

Gavelkind Sucession - one of the hardest things to take control of when playing the game, and one of the most common forms of …

Royalty 101: The Rules of Succession

How is the next monarch decided? How many people are in the line of succession and what can they do to get themselves booted …