Hello, iam Jodi Mastoris, Wishing you a productive day.

What Does Up Mean When Ordering A Drink? [Solved]

The term “up” refers to any drink that is shaken, stirred, or combined with ice and therefore chilled, but it is served without ice. This is different from ordering a whiskey “neat”. Ordering a whiskey “up” tells the bartender that you would like the whiskey chilled, but do not want to have ice in your glass.7 Apr 2021

Words to Know When Ordering a Drink - Mixology Talk Podcast (Audio)

http://www.mixologytalk.com/48 Learn these words before

Ordering A Drink This Way Is A Red Flag For Bartenders

Don’t take your cues for how to behave at a bar from TV shows and movies. Fictional characters are often too rude, too indecisive, …

What Your Drink Order Says About You

Arrive at a bar you’ve never been, hit a happy hour with coworkers or scan the menu as a first date sits across from you and you’re …