Hello, iam Lisa Ramsey, I hope today is better than yesterday.

What Does The Eye Mean On Canvas? [Solved]

Now, you are able to post/hide grades in the Canvas grade center. You may have noticed an orange eye icon on your grade center. This means that grades are currently hidden from students. When you click the three dots next to the grade column name, you now have the option to “post grades”27 Sept 2019

Ellen Meets Illusion Makeup Artist Dain Yoon

Illusion makeup artist Dain Yoon came all the way from South Korea to show Ellen her impressive makeup skills.

The Meaning of the Divine Mercy Image | Behind The Canvas

You’ve seen the Divine Mercy Image everywhere: in churches, on bumper stickers, in your home or the home of a friend. But

Canvas Stacking in Figma? New Feature?

This video shows you a feature of Figma which is known as